Dockside Canada Water, Plot B: Submission Update

Thank you to all those who have taken part in our consultation for proposals for Plot B at Dockside Canada Water, providing invaluable feedback as the design has progressed.

We are pleased to announce that our planning application for Plot B has now been submitted and validated by planning officers at Southwark Council (Ref: 24/AP/3718).

The application will be reviewed by the Council as part of the statutory consultation process and then presented at Planning Committee. If you would like to find out more about our proposals or view any of the planning documents, they can be found on the Council’s planning portal here.

You can also find direct links to Plot B specific:

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has engaged with us over the last 6 months on the proposals for Plot B, as well as on the wider masterplan over the past few years. We have met with hundreds of members of the local community and stakeholders across our public exhibitions, local meetings and pop-up events. Your insight into the local area and constructive feedback on our proposals has been considered in shaping our developed proposals for Plot B.

We remain committed to engaging with the local community and stakeholders throughout the planning process. If you have questions or comments at this stage, then please get in touch by emailing [email protected] or by telephone on 020 3900 3676.

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